Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The 6 Sigma Myth

Admittedly, I have very little direct experience with 6-Sigma. It reeks to me as a management fad, much like other "Quality" initiatives. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the fundamental tenants of 6 Sigma, but sometimes it seems as if getting a couple of "6 Sigma Black Belts in the room should solve our problems!" (actual quote).

I had an interesting experience with a 6 Sigma-trained project manager once. We were getting ready to "go-live" -- that is to process data in our system. We did not have any of the connectivity ready, nor any of the automation. However, she found a loophole for calling the task done: Apparently the concept of "go live" was narrowly defined to be the ability to process data (which was complete). Therefore, the task of "going live" was done, even though at a practical level we were nowhere near that milestone.

It seems funny to me how stamping a label on these quality fads (which really seem to amount to writing down and agreeing to a project plan) immediately impresses business people.

Then again, maybe I've had a tainted experience or two.

For a final laugh, check out this screen shot. It's from a Six-sigma how-to page at the Six Sigma Guide website.

Six-Sigma at work